Developer Guide *************** Development work should generally take place on a properly configured development server which has all system dependancies installed. Pre-Setup ========= This project makes use of ``pew`` for managing Python virtualenvs. If you are using ``bash``, it would be useful to have something similar to the following in your ``~/.bashrc`` file: :: ### >>> Override with your specific paths you want to use <<< ### WORKSPACE=$USER_DIR export PROJECT_HOME=$WORKSPACE/projects export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs The ``PROJECT_HOME`` variable is set to a projects folder in the workspace. You can change ``projects`` name to the name of folder in which your project resides. ``WORKON_HOME`` variable is path for the virtual environment. The default path for the virtual environment will be ``/Users//.local/share/virtualenvs``. A symlink for the virtualenvs folder would be created in the user's directory. If there is no symlink created, you can create one. The symlink would be: :: .virtualenvs -> /Users//.local/share/virtualenvs Initial Setup of Python Environment =================================== Python development should be taken place in a virtual environment. You can create a virtual environment for the project using invoke. The name of the created virtual environment is going to be ``bingmaps``. :: $ invoke env The above command helps in creating the virtual environment with all system dependancies. .. note:: - All the invoke tasks must be executed from the root folder of the project. - All the invoke tasks will run better in Linux/Mac. These might not be compatible with Windows as the commands are different. - The project is entirely system-independent except for invoke tasks. - When you run ``invoke env`` command multiple times, the virtual environment will be deleted and created again with all the system dependencies each time. Working on a Virtual Environment ================================ In order to work in the virtual environment created, you have to run the following command: :: $ pew workon bingmaps If you want to exit from the current virtual environment, you have to run the following command: :: bingmaps$ exit Development Tasks ================= There are several tasks specified in this project. You can get a list of all the available tasks through the following command: :: $ invoke [--list|-l] # OR $ inv [--list|-l] For a detailed help on a command, run: :: $ inv --help ------- This command helps in creating a new virtual environment with the package's name ``bingmaps``: :: $ invoke # OR $ inv env.install ----------- This command helps in installing all the system dependencies inside the virtual environment created (``bingmaps``): :: $ invoke env.install # OR $ inv env.install env.remove ---------- This command helps in removing/deleting the virtual environment (``bingmaps``): :: $ invoke env.remove # OR $ inv env.remove env.clean --------- This command helps in removing some of the project independent folders/files: :: $ invoke env.clean # OR $ inv env.clean Some of the project independent folders/files are: - ``__pycache__`` - ``.cache`` - ``.tox`` - ``.coverage`` - ``.egg`` - ``.egg*`` - ``dist`` - ``build`` .. note:: - When you run ``inv env`` command, the above env tasks run in an order (``env.clean``, ``env.remove``, ````, ``env.install``) tests.unit ---------- This command helps in running all the unit tests: :: $ invoke test.unit # OR $ inv test.unit ----------- This command helps in running style checker (pep8 validations): :: $ invoke # OR $ inv tests.errors ------------ This command helps in running static error analysis (pylint validations): :: $ invoke test.errors # OR $ inv test.errors .. note:: - When you run ``inv tests`` command, the above tests tasks run in an order (``tests.errors``, ````, ``tests.unit``) ---------- This command helps in building the documentation: :: $ invoke # OR $ inv docs.serve ---------- This command helps in running a simple server and you can view ``index.html`` can be viewed in a browser: :: $ invoke docs.serve # OR $ inv docs.serve docs.publish ------------ This command helps in building and pushing the docs to repository's github pages: :: $ invoke docs.publish # OR $ inv docs.publish .. note:: - When you run ``inv docs`` command, the above docs tasks run in an order (````, ``docs.serve``)