Developer Guide

Development work should generally take place on a properly configured development server which has all system dependancies installed.


This project makes use of pew for managing Python virtualenvs. If you are using bash, it would be useful to have something similar to the following in your ~/.bashrc file:

### >>> Override with your specific paths you want to use <<< ###
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs

The PROJECT_HOME variable is set to a projects folder in the workspace. You can change projects name to the name of folder in which your project resides. WORKON_HOME variable is path for the virtual environment. The default path for the virtual environment will be /Users/<username>/.local/share/virtualenvs. A symlink for the virtualenvs folder would be created in the user’s directory. If there is no symlink created, you can create one. The symlink would be:

.virtualenvs -> /Users/<username>/.local/share/virtualenvs

Initial Setup of Python Environment

Python development should be taken place in a virtual environment. You can create a virtual environment for the project using invoke. The name of the created virtual environment is going to be bingmaps.

$ invoke env

The above command helps in creating the virtual environment with all system dependancies.


  • All the invoke tasks must be executed from the root folder of the project.
  • All the invoke tasks will run better in Linux/Mac. These might not be compatible with Windows as the commands are different.
  • The project is entirely system-independent except for invoke tasks.
  • When you run invoke env command multiple times, the virtual environment will be deleted and created again with all the system dependencies each time.

Working on a Virtual Environment

In order to work in the virtual environment created, you have to run the following command:

$ pew workon bingmaps

If you want to exit from the current virtual environment, you have to run the following command:

bingmaps$ exit

Development Tasks

There are several tasks specified in this project. You can get a list of all the available tasks through the following command:

$ invoke [--list|-l]
# OR
$ inv [--list|-l]

For a detailed help on a command, run:

$ inv --help <command>

This command helps in creating a new virtual environment with the package’s name bingmaps:

$ invoke
# OR
$ inv


This command helps in installing all the system dependencies inside the virtual environment created (bingmaps):

$ invoke env.install
# OR
$ inv env.install


This command helps in removing/deleting the virtual environment (bingmaps):

$ invoke env.remove
# OR
$ inv env.remove


This command helps in removing some of the project independent folders/files:

$ invoke env.clean
# OR
$ inv env.clean

Some of the project independent folders/files are:

  • __pycache__
  • .cache
  • .tox
  • .coverage
  • .egg
  • .egg*
  • dist
  • build


  • When you run inv env command, the above env tasks run in an order (env.clean, env.remove,, env.install)


This command helps in running all the unit tests:

$ invoke test.unit
# OR
$ inv test.unit

This command helps in running style checker (pep8 validations):

$ invoke
# OR
$ inv


This command helps in running static error analysis (pylint validations):

$ invoke test.errors
# OR
$ inv test.errors


  • When you run inv tests command, the above tests tasks run in an order (tests.errors,, tests.unit)

This command helps in building the documentation:

$ invoke
# OR
$ inv


This command helps in running a simple server and you can view index.html can be viewed in a browser:

$ invoke docs.serve
# OR
$ inv docs.serve


This command helps in building and pushing the docs to repository’s github pages:

$ invoke docs.publish
# OR
$ inv docs.publish


  • When you run inv docs command, the above docs tasks run in an order (, docs.serve)